Title: Is this the sequel?

Name: Patience Tintenda Mutsetse

Country: Zimbabwe

Age: 24

Sex: Female


It is a poem that accentuate the relationship between Female Genital Mutilation and Gender Based Violence through questioning gatekeepers about harmful traditional and cultural practices. The poem points out the traumatic experiences that young girls and women in Africa endure due to the cultural and religious practice of Female Genital Mutilation. This poem alludes the fact that Female Genital Mutilation is a social ill that deprives women from fully exercising and enjoying their human rights as it affects them mentally, psychologically and physically. Therefore, a call to action for families, communities, nations and governments to abolish this devilish system is central to this piece of art. The poem also brings out the significance of creating gender sensitive policies and strengthening social structures that are rooted in equality, social justice and women empowerment.

Short Bio

Patience Tinotenda Mutsetse is a young and vibrant Afro-feminist, Adolescent SRHR Advocate and peer mentor. She holds a Bachelor of Social Work Honors Degree from the University of Zimbabwe. She is a personal blogger for patietynoe.wordpress.com, a diary of young black African woman. She is also a content creator, a published author, a seasoned writer, a passionate poet and a spoken word artist. She is also a member of the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (Young Women’s Forum), Afrobloggers community and She Decides Zimbabwe.

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