
Title: To Be Female

Name: Pelemo Ava Nyajo

Country: Nigeria

Age: 19

Sex: Female


Female Genital Mutilation mostly happens to young girls who aren’t old enough to understand such a vile practice. My poem highlights the experience of a young girl whose mother coerced her into being a victim, only because she had been a victim herself and tradition says: it is the right thing to do. A mother who was scared for her own reputation, a mother who couldn’t speak up against the terrible menace out of fear. My poem is an attempt to break the cycle by speaking up, speaking against it and choosing not to conform. It is women finally owning the right to their bodies and not continuously playing the game of “society says.”

Short Bio

Pelemo Ava Nyajo is a creative Nigerian youth who advocates for inclusion through the use of poetry and volunteerism. She is currently a member of the International Youth Advisory Committee of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a freelance performing artist. She is a beautiful soul that believes in the magic of the human race.

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