
Title: The Phone Call

Name: Sharon Kerubo Makworo

Country: Kenya

Age: 25

Sex: Female


This is my story on how I almost underwent FGM and how being educated at an early age on this injustice empowered me to stand up for my right and that of my sisters. A,so it is a call to have this conversation on FGM and challenging our cultures and traditions to review this dangerous act and see how it is not beneficial in any way. Let us change the narrative and end FGM.

Short Bio

Sharon Kerubo Makworo is a child protection activist with a legal background from Kenya who is currently pursuing her MSc in Advanced Child protection in the University of Birmingham. She also creates awareness against FGM and seeks to create a safe world for all children especially those in Africa, she also advocates for creatives to join the fight against FGM through various forms available.This will ensure that every child has an opportunity to live a full life where the childโ€™s rights are safeguarded and catered for , so that our children who are tomorrowโ€™s leaders have a secure future.

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