
It was in the wee hours of the night. The three of us sat under the bonfire, trembling, not sure if Hafsa’s plan would work. She was yet to show up. I looked at the beads on my wrist. They reminded me of my son, whom I had bore in pain. Could he be crying? I silently hoped he was asleep. My husband Omar, usually slept like a corpse so I was sure he wouldnโ€™t be up anytime. I was lost in thoughts when Mariam tapped me,
โ€œAmina, itโ€™s only 5 hours before daybreak, do you think Hafsa is still coming?โ€
No sooner had she finished her question than a slim figure showed up in the darkness.
โ€œHello ladies” We responded in unison.
Hafsa, the only girl from our community who had gone to the university, was back from the U.S. studying medicine. All girls in our community admired her but the men and elderly women despised her claiming she forfeited cultures. With her motherโ€™s help, Hafsa narrowly escaped the cut and here she was now, our redeemer. We only had to trust her to give us her plans tonight.
โ€œTomorrow is the day. I have sensitized you enough. Gather up other women and letโ€™s take it to the streets. All the materials to use are at my place….โ€ she continued with the long explanation.
Satisfied with all instructions given, we returned to our homes. The next day, a short but urgent meeting was called by the chief, who introduced Hafsa as the chief guest. Her mission had been just one since she came back: to get the chief to sign a legislature banning FGM in the community. The men were displeased and even shocked to see their wives wearing Hafsaโ€™s END FGM campaign T-shirts. Omar gave me one look and threatened to divorce me but this time I stood with Hafsa.
After long consideration, the chief signed and it was a law beginning that day. We celebrated Hafsa, the community heroine. Just as we were about to go home, Juma stood and begged Hafsa for forgiveness and said he was trapped in the community practises not to see the wife he was about to reject.
โ€œWill you marry me when you complete your studies with or without the cut?โ€
โ€œYes, I will and I forgive you also” she declared as Juma fit in the engagement ring to her finger.


78 Responses

  1. Great job Cheryl.
    I do feel like these initiatives should be done regularly and awareness should be created frequently.
    In as much as your story portrays Hafsa as the hero, I think men also should be on the forefront on the fight against FGM!

  2. Your writing skills are top notch๐Ÿ’ฏ however I found the story too short๐Ÿ˜ญ
    On the brighter side, the lessons to be learnt are alot. Team work makes the dream work.
    All the best!

  3. Hey, are we allowed to comment twice or just one comment is enough?
    Hope I’m not out of order but I wanted to say FGM among the Luos is rare, the only initiation we know is removal of teeth, and maybe foreskin for the men…

  4. Hey Cheryl, this is so good.
    Can it be produced into a film? I think role playing and bringing these characters to life will help in passing across the intended message of # Ending FGM

  5. Rooting for you girl. Keep spreading awareness until the culprits eventually #End FGM.
    For God’s sake we are in the 21st century. Who still circumsises their girls?

  6. Wow, wow, wow.
    This is a very amazing piece with a good cause.
    Guys let’s give Cheryl the support she needs to ace this competition.
    I believe in her.

  7. I am so glad that in this error we have nothing to shy away from when it comes to matters FGM.
    Put it in the open for all to be sensitized. And Hafsa was sure a community heroine. Who in this century still despises a girl that has gone to the university???
    Ladies stand up and know that you were not only meant for the kitchens and childbearing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘

  8. Great piece and very insightful. Wishing you all the best as I believe you will ace this competition! Great initiative in the fight against FGM

  9. Great piece of work! I appreciate your efforts in ending FGM practices and for sure, this practice will someday be a thing of the past!

  10. Wow, I just love what you are doing, keep up the good work and let’s continue creating awareness in the fight against FGM. All the best!

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